Obtaining Repository Products

Often, valuable mice are made available through international repositories or collaborators other than Jackson Laboratories.  Check findmice.org to see if your desired mouse exists.

GEAM routinely receives and ships frozen mouse embryos or sperm and has a high track record of successful recovery by in vitro fertilization. Simply put GEAM as the “ship-to-address”  then leave the shipping details to us.

The International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR) is searchable online database of mouse strains, stocks, and mutant ES cell lines available worldwide, including inbred, mutant, and genetically engineered strains. The goal of the IMSR is to assist the international scientific community in locating and obtaining mouse resources for research. They have made targeted ES cells, frozen sperm, frozen embryos, and live mice commercially available.

Before deciding to purchase frozen sperm/embryos from a repository, laboratories must be aware of all the costs involved. Samples will be shipped from the repository to GEAM in a special liquid nitrogen tank. The empty shipping tank must be returned to the repository after delivery of samples. Domestic shipping costs ~ $200, international shipping costs ~ $1000-$2500. Some repositories charge a fee/sample. Live offspring will be recovered from frozen sperm via in vitro fertilization.

Other Repository Links


Frozen embryo/sperm: Please contact Kathy Krentz (kjkrentz@wisc.edu) if you have questions regarding orders. GEAM recommends ordering two vials/straws. Frozen embryo/sperm should be sent to the address listed below.

ES cell clones: Please contact Kathy Krentz (kjkrentz@wisc.edu) to get assistance in deciding which targeted clones to purchase. GEAM recommends ordering three mutated ES cell clones; two of which will be injected. Targeted ES cell clones should be karyotyped and mycoplasma tested. Targeted ES cell clones should be sent to:

Genome Editing and Animal Models core
425 Henry Mall
3220 Biotechnology Center
Madison, WI  53706

Thawing/recovery to live offspring of one vial/straw of frozen mouse embryos $525 per recipient mom (up to 20 embryos/mom)

Thawing/IVF recovery to live offspring of one vial/straw of frozen mouse sperm $1150-$1560

ES cell expansion $850-$900/clone

ES cell injection into C57BL/6 blastocysts and transfer into pseudopregnant recipients
$3200/microinjection day